Lower Back & Hip Pain Module 4

Module Four Directions

Each module is always set up with the mobility section before the “positional” stretching section. This allows the “tightness” caused by your nervous system to be released before we go into the deeper tightness caused by the tissue length. 

“Positional” stretches are positions that stretch multiple muscles simultaneously. This lets your body stretch the “shortest/tightest” muscle first. Allowing your body to stretch what needs to be stretched takes the guesswork out of our approach. Your body knows what needs to be done. We need to support it and let it do its thing!

Do the mobility and stretching exercises 2-3x weekly. However, that does NOT mean they must all be done at once. When you have a few minutes free during the day, do one of the exercises. Then, your body will give you feedback on exactly what that exercise did or did not do. This is one of the best approaches to learning what exercises are best for you and teaching you how to work smarter, not harder.

Mobility Exercises: Do each for 3-10 minutes each. The more uncomfortable the exercise, the closer to the ten-minute mark you should perform. 

Positional Stretches: Hold each stretch for 3-5 minutes. Focus longer on the side, causing more discomfort.

IT Band Foam Roll Exercise: This is great for lower back and knee pain! Make sure to try all the different angles and find the one that works the best for you!

Perform this exercise for 3-5 minutes on each leg.

Supra Patella Pouch Foam Roll: Here, you can also go higher up into your quads, but either way, this exercise is great because of the muscle connection to your hips and back.

Perform this exercise for 3-5 minutes on each leg.

The McKinzie Push: Start with this one slow. You won't hurt yourself, but going quickly on this exercise can be a little uncomfortable.

Hold this position for 3-5 minutes, and control your breathing the entire time.

Hip Kiss Glute Stretch: This stretch is excellent for people struggling with tight hips and/or sciatica. It is also a great alternative to the "pigeon" stretch because it is similar and easier for many people.

Hold this stretch for 3-5 minutes on each side. Feel free to sit against a wall to help with your balance.

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